
Events at La Villa restaurant

Events at La villa art restaurant - cooking classes, ladies nights, live music and guitar shows, Latina dance and quiz, you are welcome!
Check it in Telegram - La villa restaurant.
Jazz music and live show

Jazz music and live show

Thursday, July 20, 2023 live music

11 August 19:30 2023, jazz music and live show with Yuriy Gerbey at "La villa" art restaurant.

Welcome to enjoy friday evening with us at "La villa" Nha Trang.

We invite all lovers of jazz music to a live performanceYuri Gerbey in the restaurant "La Villa" Nha Trang city. Start at 19:30.

Yuriy Gerber at "La villa" restaurant.

Yuri Gerbey - actor, jazz and pop singer, soloist of musicals, graduate of the GMK. Gnesins and GITIS, baritone. Jazz, swing, big band.

Location - "La villa" art restaurant.

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